Hip Injury Compensation

Making a successful claim for hip injury compensation will require you to get specialist legal advice from a personal injury solicitor.

How to claim hip injury compensation?

The first thing you should do before making a hip injury compensation claim is to contact a personal injury lawyer, who will be able to quickly assess the strength of your neck injury compensation claim and offer guidance as to the most appropriate course of action to take.

Blackwater Law is recognised as a reputable firm of personal injury solicitors by the Legal 500, the largest independent legal directory in the UK. The Legal 500 team individually review each and every law firm in their directory to ensure every member of the team (including partners and associates) possesses the necessary skills and expertise to provide reliable legal advice and a high level of customer service.

Your Blackwater Law personal injury solicitor will be with you every step of the way, offering advice, protecting your interests and working to keep you informed about the progress of your hip injury compensation claim throughout. In acting for you in making your claim, we will aim to build the strongest possible case on your behalf to secure the hip injury compensation you are entitled to.

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Hip injury compensation amounts

Hip injuries can range in their complexity and therefore, the amount of compensation a person could be entitled to. A mild hip injury for example could be valued at up to £12,590. A severe hip injury such as a fracture or an injury that leaves the person with lasting disability could be entitled to claim between £78,400– £130,930.

Use the hip injury compensation calculator below to estimate the amount of compensation you or your loved one may receive should their hip injury claim be successful. The compensation amount that is calculated is only an estimate and we recommend that once you have calculated your potential hip injury compensation, you contact Blackwater Law to find out if you may be entitled to make a claim.

Hip injury compensation calculator

  • No Win, No Fee claims
  • Maximum hip injury compensation amounts
  • Specialist personal injury solicitors

What Kinds of Hip Injury Can I Claim Personal Injury Compensation For?

The hip and pelvis are subjected to constant, demanding workloads while we go about our daily lives, making injuries to these areas both very inconvenient and often extremely painful. The hip is the joint connecting the upper legs to the pelvis, so if either the hip or pelvis is damaged mobility is usually greatly restricted.

Hip and pelvis injuries include dislocations and fractures, as well as bruised and strained muscles and ligaments. Damage to the hip and pelvis is often associated with road traffic accidents, but slips, trips and falls – particularly among the elderly – are the most common causes of hip injuries. About one-third of the elderly population over the age of 65 falls each year, and the risk of falls increases proportionately with age. At 80 years, over half of seniors suffer some kind of fall each year.

Hip injuries can happen in a number of different ways, and identifying what type of injury you have sustained and how it has impacted your life and general health will be critical to the success of your hip injury compensation claim, as your financial settlement will depend largely on how much long-term pain and/or disability you suffer as a result of the damage to your hip. The severity of a hip injury can vary tremendously, but it will invariably result in loss of mobility, extreme pain and discomfort and a long period of rehabilitation.

Dislocated Hip

Dislocation of the hip is commonly caused by car accidents and industrial accidents, such as falling from a ladder. A dislocation occurs when the ball-shaped head of the femur comes out of the cup-shaped acetabulum set in the pelvis. Considerable force is needed in order for the thighbone to pop out of its socket, but when it does it generally leaves the hip in a fixed position, bent and twisted towards the middle of the body. Alternatively, if the thighbone slips out and forward, the hip will be only slightly bent and the leg will twist out and away from the middle of the body. A dislocated hip is extremely painful, and the victim is unlikely to be able to move the leg after suffering such an injury. They may also experience loss of feeling in the foot or ankle area due to nerve damage.

Fractured Pelvis

A fractured pelvis has the potential to significantly affect a person’s mobility on either a temporary or permanent basis and can lead to victims requiring significant time off work, or being forced to leave their job altogether. Such injuries may also result in a need for long-term medical care and at-home assistance. A severe pelvic or hip injury can have the same life-changing impact as the amputation of a leg. Most hip and pelvic injuries are caused by slips and falls although those injured in road traffic accidents can also face the possibility of sustaining damage to their pelvis/hip region. The reproductive systems are also located in this area of the body and injuries to this region can even lead to sterility, impotence and infertility.

Muscle / Ligament Tears

A hip sprain usually occurs due to stretching or tearing of ligaments that support the hip joint, which not only results in pain but also restricts motion. A hip sprain occurs when a sudden contraction of muscle occurs. Overstretching or a heavy impact may also result in a tearing of the tissue. This kind of tissue tear is called a hip sprain. The muscle tear/ligament strain may also result in bruising or swelling around the hip and pelvis. Movement can be heavily restricted for several weeks after the initial injury (depending on the severity of the tear/strain), and painkillers are usually required to dull the pain while the injury heals.

Hip Bursitis

A bursa is a fluid-filled sac that functions as a gliding surface to reduce friction between moving tissues of the body. Bursitis – or inflammation of the bursa – is the most common cause of hip pain. Most cases of bursitis can be treated at home with self-care techniques and over-the-counter painkillers. The pain is usually gone within a few weeks, but the swelling may take longer to completely disappear. Exactly how long the hip takes to recover from bursitis may depend on where the bursitis is and whether it is caused by an infection (septic bursitis). Anyone who has sustained a hip injury that was not their fault can make a ‘no win, no fee’ personal injury compensation claim, with the amount of compensation likely to be paid out dependent on the severity and nature of the hip injury, the prognosis for recovery and your general health. If you have suffered a hip injury of any kind, contact us to find out if you could be entitled to claim personal injury compensation for your hip injury.

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Why Choose Blackwater Law?

Blackwater Law is one of the leading firms of hip injury compensation solicitors in the UK. With many years experience of in handling personal injury compensation claims for a variety of hip injuries sustained in any number of different ways, we have the necessary expertise to provide you with the advice, information and support you need to secure appropriate personal injury compensation for your pain and suffering.

Our team of professional personal injury solicitors appreciate that a hip injury of any type can be extremely debilitating and can have a detrimental effect on your mobility, quality of life and ability to work and provide for your family. Hip injuries can sometimes lead to prolonged periods of time off of work, which can have a big impact financially as well as physically and psychologically. As a result of this, a percentage of your hip injury compensation package will include compensation for all of the financial losses, inconveniences and expenses you incur as a result of your hip injury.

Blackwater Law has established an enviable reputation as one of the most respected firms of personal injury lawyers in the South East, so you are safe in the knowledge you will always receive sound, reliable legal advice about how to get the hip injury compensation you deserve for your hip injury. We have vast experience in handling compensation claims for a variety of different hip injuries, including dislocations, fractures and ligament damage. We also handle personal injury compensation claims for injuries to other parts of the body, including rib injuries, back injuries and foot injuries.

Blackwater Law client testimonial

I had confidence in Blackwater Law the whole way through the journey.

Catherine, as featured in above video.

Blackwater Law medical negligence solicitors made a successful hospital negligence claim for the family of an elderly patient who fell out of bed.

Hospital beds in a corridor


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