Freebirthing concerns amid coronavirus pandemic

By Blackwater Law

Concerns have been raised about the possible increase in freebirths due to the coronavirus pandemic, with the possibility of such incidents leading to birth injury claims.

Reasons for not wanting a medically assisted hospital birth include concerns over a lack of staff, the risk of being infected with coronavirus and not being able to have their partner with them during a prolonged stay in hospital.

What is freebirthing?

It is the act of childbirth without any medical or health care assistance, and normally happens at home.

The concerns centre around the possibility of high risk expectant mothers not seeking professional help and thus experiencing traumatic births resulting in a birth injury to the mother or baby, or in some cases, both mother and baby.

The current coronavirus pandemic has seen a third of homebirth services close as a shortage of midwives means the service cannot meet demand. In addition, a fifth of birthing centres have closed.

According to Alison Edwards of Doula UK, the organisation has seen a threefold increase in enquiries as expectant mothers look for alternative birthing options.

The charity Birthrights has issued a press release stating it is concerned about the removal of birthing options without addressing the impact of that course of action on the service users. In addition, it has warned that this action may be unlawful and could lead to NHS Trusts being held as responsible for a risk to life if women choose to pursue a freebirth option. This of course could lead to an increase in birth injury compensation claims being made against the NHS.

Birth injury solicitors

In the event that you or a family member have received negligent maternity care, a specialist birth injury solicitor will be able to help you to make a claim to receive a fair compensation amount. Blackwater Law offer a no win no fee service for all claims we take on. Contact us today to find out how we can help you.

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