Gloucestershire hospitals’ surgery departments rated as ‘inadequate’

By Blackwater Law

surgeon with blue gloves holding surgical scissors

An unannounced inspection by the CQC (Care Quality Commission) at Cheltenham General Hospital and Gloucestershire Royal Hospital has led to its surgical services being downgraded.

Surgical services rated as ‘inadequate.’

The inspection conducted in April and June was carried out after concerns were raised by whistleblowing staff and a concerning amount of Never Events at both hospitals

Never Events are patient incidents that should never happen, so long as a hospital is following national safety guidance. In a surgical setting, this can include a foreign object being left in a patient, or surgery on the wrong body part being performed. The trust experienced 7, surgical-related never events between March 2021 and February 2022.

As a result, the surgical services at both hospitals are now rated as ‘inadequate,’ where they had been rated as good. It has also meant the overall rating for the trust, Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, is now ‘requires improvement.’

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CQC Report

In the report, the inspectors noted several key problems.

They reported that there was a “lack of trust in senior leaders and a fear of speaking up. Inspectors were told when staff did raise concerns they were not always supported or treated with respect.”

Regarding the surgical services, they reported that a lack of staff was having an impact on services, in an already busy hospital.

Read the full CQC Report

Blackwater Law medical negligence solicitors successfully represented Mr P in a compensation claim for surgical negligence against Barking, Havering & Redbridge University Hospitals Trust.

surgeon with blue gloves holding surgical scissors

Dangers of surgical errors

An overworked or poorly run surgical department can have devastating consequences on patient safety. Mistakes or delays can lead to serious harm, sometimes even life-changing injuries. Poor management of a surgical department could also increase the likelihood of infections such as sepsis.

If you or someone you know has suffered because of negligence in relation to surgery, it’s advisable to first contact a solicitor, to see if you have a potential claim.

Blackwater Law engages with all initial enquiries and will provide advice free of charge. We also operate all of our claims on a no-win, no-fee basis, so there is no financial risk to you.

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