Maternity services at The Royal London Hospital rated ‘requires improvement.’

By Blackwater Law

baby and mother holding hands

The CQC has told Barts Health NHS Trust that its maternity services must improve across its services, including The Royal London Hospital.

CQC Findings

Following an inspection, the maternity services at The Royal London Hospital, which is part of Barts Health NHS Trust, have been rated as ‘requires improvement.’

The inspections were made as part of a national programme, aimed at improving maternity services across the country.

Full Report

Nicola Wise, CQC head of hospital inspection, said:

“Maternity services across England face significant challenges, but there are steps Barts Health NHS Trust can and must take to ensure all risks to mothers and babies are well managed while they are in its care.

“These challenges include staffing shortages, and Barts Health is affected like many other trusts.

“However, the trust’s leaders must develop strategies to meet patient need despite this. This should include developing a comprehensive understanding of the issues it faces, so it can tailor its response accordingly.”

Report Summary

The inspectors found the following reasons for the rating of ‘requires improvement.’

  • There were not enough staff to keep women safe
  • Records were not being kept accurately
  • Incidents were not properly reported
  • Staff reported feeling disrespected and undervalued
  • Not enough new-born resuscitative equipment in all labour rooms
  • Medication was not managed safely.

Positive Feedback

The CQC report also highlights areas where they observed positive practices.

  • A new leadership team was implementing a new strategy for the hospital
  • Staff mostly understood roles and accountabilities
  • Most staff received mandatory training
  • Despite pressures, staff worked hard to maintain standards of care.

Have you been affected by poor care from The Royal London maternity services?

If you or a loved one has suffered a result of poor care administered by The Royal London Hospital, you should speak to a birth injury solicitor about your options for possible recourse.

You may be entitled to make a no-win, no-fee birth injury or medical negligence compensation claim to help you secure the funding, or the treatments required to put things right.

Have your received poor maternity care?

Speak with our expert solicitors today and discuss your claim.

CALL 0800 083 5500

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