Mid and South Essex Hospitals told maternity services must improve.

By Blackwater Law

baby and mother holding hands

The CQC has told Mid and South Essex NHS Trust that improvement is needed in maternity services, across its hospitals.

CQC Findings

Following the inspections, the maternity services at Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust have been rated as ‘requires improvements.’

This includes maternity services at Southend University Hospital, Basildon University Hospital and Broomfield Hospital. All three have been rated as ‘requires improvement.’

The inspections were made after concerns were raised about patient safety and the quality of care.

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Report Summary

The inspectors found the following reasons for the ratings of ‘requires improvement.’

  • There was a lack of mandatory training among staff
  • Incidents were not always learned from
  • Nurses and midwives were not receiving appropriate appraisals.
  • Women were not always able to access maternity services when they needed them and at a good time.
  • Families and patients were not informed of notable incidents as soon as they should be, something the provider is legally obliged to do.

Read the report

Nicola Wise, CQC head of hospital inspection, said:


“Although we found instances of good practice, despite the pressure NHS services and the wider healthcare sector face, there are improvements Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust must make.

“These include ensuring care is not undermined in its maternity services by staffing shortages. While this is a national problem affecting many hospitals, leaders must develop ways of minimising the risk to patients this causes.

“The trust must also ensure its staff complete all relevant training to support them to meet patient need, and that it engages with patients and families in line with its legal obligations when something has gone wrong in a patient’s care.

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Positive Feedback

The CQC report also highlighted areas where they observed positive practices.

  • Complaints were taken seriously people could easily raise concerns
  • Doctors and nurses worked together to help women and babies
  • Overall care was provided in line with national guidance

Blackwater Law successfully represented the family of baby Blake in making a midwife negligence claim after the community midwife failed to notice a severe medical abnormality.

New-born baby in hospital

Have you been affected by poor maternity services?

If you or a loved one has suffered a result of poor care in maternity services, you should speak to a birth injury solicitor about your options for possible recourse.

You may be entitled to make a no-win, no-fee birth injury or medical negligence compensation claim to help you secure the funding, or the treatments required to put things right.