Birth injuries at NHS trust highlighted by report

By Blackwater Law

Birth injuries resulting in death are the subject of a recent report highlighting maternity errors for a specific trust. Such incidents cause immense trauma for all family members and as they are life changing, can result in a birth injury claim being made for financial compensation.

Birth injuries to mother

The deaths of five women at Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals Trust are the subject of a joint report by the trust and external experts in the field of midwifery and childbirth. All five woman were deemed to be high-risk, and so would require appropriate treatment according to the conditions that put them in the high-risk category.

The report does not go into the details of the deaths or name the patients, rather giving an overview of the problems experienced. However, for all cases, it was found that “best practice” was not always followed.

In one of the cases reviewed, a woman who was already haemorrhaging was given treatment that exacerbated her condition.

In another case, there was an instance of Amniotic Fluid Embolus (AFE) which is where major bleeding is caused when amniotic fluid enters the bloodstream. This is a rare childbirth emergency.

Chief nurse Paula Gardner said

“In four of the cases, the reviewers found no practice that would have impacted on the outcome.”

A recommendation in the report suggested a new approach should be implemented to deal with excessive bleeding in the 24 hours following childbirth.

Birth injury solicitors

If you have experienced negligent medical care during the birth of your child, specifically something which has caused a birth injury to the mother, or a birth injury to your baby, you may be able to claim compensation. Our lawyers have a wealth of experience in dealing with claims against NHS trusts, so contact us now for free initial advice and find out how we can help you.

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