Cervical cancer misdiagnosis claims

Misdiagnosis of cervical cancer can have a dramatic effect on your health, wellbeing and the effectiveness of your cancer treatment. Where this is the case, you may be entitled to claim compensation with assistance from a medical negligence solicitor.

Making a Cervical Cancer Compensation Claim

Any instance where a medical professional responsible for your care has failed to diagnose or provide suitable treatment for cervical cancer could qualify as medical negligence and mean you are able to make a compensation claim. However, for your claim to be successful, you will need advice and guidance from a specialist medical negligence solicitor.

Where this misdiagnosis can be shown to have worsened your condition or lessened your prospects for a successful recovery, this will be taken into account and will likely affect how much compensation you can claim for. Likewise, where improper treatment produces adverse effects on your health, this will influence if and how much you are able to claim.

Some of the more common instances where negligence on the part of medical professionals can entitle you to cervical cancer compensation include the following:

  • Where your GP fails to perform adequate examination or investigation of symptoms that may be associated with cervical cancer.
  • Where your GP fails to refer you to a specialist for more testing when he or she finds potential indications of cervical cancer.
  • Where potentially problematic test results are not thoroughly investigated or followed up.
  • Where your medical examination results are improperly recorded, reported or interpreted.
  • Where a doctor misdiagnoses your cervical cancer as another condition entirely.
  • When following surgery to address cervical cancer, cancerous cells or tissues are allowed to remain leading to subsequent return / spreading of your condition.
  • Where the improper means of treating your cervical cancer is used – for example where a hysterectomy is performed when a less drastic option was still viable, rendering you unable to have children.
  • Where treatment is poorly or inaccurately administered leading to damage to surrounding organs or tissues, for instance in the case of surgical error.

This is not an exhaustive list, and there may be more situations where poor care on the part of medical professionals could entitle you to make a cancer misdiagnosis claim. If you feel that the care you received fell below an acceptable standard, it is important that you speak to a qualified legal expert as soon as possible to discuss the options available to you.

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Specialist cancer misdiagnosis solicitors

Blackwater Law can offer some of the very best advice and support available in the South East, and are independently recognised for doing so by the Legal 500. Our team of expert medical negligence solicitors have a wealth of knowledge and experience in dealing with cervical cancer compensation claims, and when you claim with us you can be assured that we will fight to secure you the maximum compensation amount possible, given the circumstances of your misdiagnosis claim.


  • Specialist cancer misdiagnosis lawyers
  • No win, no fee claims
  • Recognised experts in medical negligence

Holmes & Hills have dealt with my claim really well. I have a lot to thank them for and would most certainly recommend them to anyone.

Ms Passmoor, Blackwater Law Client

No Win, No Fee Cervical Cancer Compensation Claims

The devastating implications of a cervical cancer misdiagnosis or of subsequently poor treatment can have a devastating impact on your home life and your financial situation. In such a situation it can be difficult to raise the funds needed to launch a compensation claim, which is why we offer our clients the chance to do it on a no win, no fee basis.

We undertake all our medical negligence claims – including those for cervical cancer compensation – in this way, and it means that unless we win your case you’ll never have to pay us a penny. If you case is successful, our fees will be a percentage of your compensation, but this percentage is capped by government legislation and the exact percentage will be agreed with you at the point of starting your claim for compensation.

When you claim compensation with our help, you will be advised by a specialist lawyer on a no win, no fee basis.

Diagnosis of Cervical Cancer

The diagnostic process for cervical cancer is something all GPs and relevant specialists should be well versed in. A number of steps should be followed so as to reduce the potential for misdiagnosis or for substandard care.

If you suspect you are suffering from cervical cancer you should contact your GP immediately and explain your symptoms. If he or she is concerned that you may indeed be showing signs of the condition you will be sent for a smear test. The findings of this test will determine whether or not your symptoms warrant further investigation by a hospital-based specialist.

Should this be the case, you will be sent to a specialist gynaecologist who will examine the cells of your cervix in fine detail to determine if you have cervical cancer. They may use any number of tests known to include the following:

  • Colposcopy: This is an internal examination of the vagina using a microscope on the end of a small tube, featuring a light for visibility. If any suspicious signs are identified your gynaecologist may also remove a tissue sample for testing.
  • Cone Biopsy: Where a Colposcopy proves ineffective, this invasive surgery will remove a small cone-shaped section of the cervix for further examination. It is normally performed under general anaesthetic and significant bleeding or pain may occur for a number of weeks thereafter.
  • Pelvic Examinations or Blood Tests.
  • A number of scans may be taken to build up a picture of your cervix for doctors to examine, including Computer Tomography (CT) Scans, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Scans or Positive Emission Tomography (PET) Scans.
  • X –Rays may be taken for a similar purpose.

At each and every stage of the process doctors should take great care and attention to detail, as missing even the smallest sign, or the slightest misinterpretation of a test result could contribute to a cervical cancer misdiagnosis.

Stages of Cervical Cancer

When diagnosis of cervical cancer diagnosis takes place it will record which stage you are said to be experiencing. The staging, recorded as a number from 1 to 4, denotes how advanced the cancer is and has important implications for your prognosis.

Medical guidelines indicate your chances of surviving an additional 5 years after diagnosis vary as follows:

  • Stage 1: Between 80% and 99%
  • Stage 2: Between 60% and 90%
  • Stage 3: Between 30% and 50%
  • Stage 4: Up to 20%

These figures illustrate the importance of a prompt diagnosis and subsequent treatment, and conversely how critical misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis of cervical cancer can be.

Causes of Cervical Cancer

The vast majority of all cervical cancer cases are thought to be caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV); a highly common infection which is transmitted through sexual contact. Whilst there are more than 100 different strains of the virus only HPV 16 and HPV 18 are known to cause cervical cancer, but together they are responsible for an estimated 70% of the total number. To make matters worse, they produce no symptoms, which can make it hard for the patient to detect.

Not all women who contract these strains of HPV will contract cervical cancer, and transmission can be inhibited through the use of a condom, although sexual contact between the sexually operative regions as a whole can still spread the disease.

Other potential causes for cervical cancer include the following:

  • Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia: this is the development of pre-cancerous cells in the cervix, and whilst it may take years before the condition progresses, it is something that should be monitored.
  • Smoking is thought to approximately double your chances of contracting cancer.
  • Taking the contraceptive pill for periods in excess of 5 years continuously can also double your chances of contracting cervical cancer.
  • Research also indicates that having children can also increase your risks of cervical cancer, with each subsequent child elevating your risk further.

Whether you know you want to claim, or you would just like more information about whether or not our can, speak to one of our specialists lawyers.

Treatment of Cervical Cancer

When the disease is diagnosed early, successful treatment is highly probable.

  • The most common course is to surgically remove affected tissues, and in some cases there is no need for a hysterectomy.
  • Radiotherapy is also frequently used, sometimes alongside surgery.
  • Where a more advanced cervical cancer is discovered it may require treatment via potent chemotherapy medicines as well as radiotherapy.

A cervical cancer misdiagnosis can increase the likelihood of you needing more treatment, potentially via more aggressive methods, that carry a greater risk of side effects. This is another factor that will be taken into consideration during the course of any prospective cervical cancer compensation claim.

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Blackwater Law client testimonial

I chose Blackwater Law straight away after just one phone call and I’ve never regretted it from that day to this.

Mr Shaw, as featured in video above.

Blackwater Law medical negligence solicitors acted for Mr L in a medical negligence claim in the High Court after he was misdiagnosed. The misdiagnosis meant he went on to suffer a serious stroke-causing life-limiting disability.

MRI of the back of the vertebral section, hernia in the intervertebrates close-up


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