South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Trust told to make improvements to maternity services.

By Blackwater Law

Hospital beds in a corridor

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has told South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust that its maternity services must improve following inspections.

CQC Findings

Following inspections at both Sunderland Royal Hospital and South Tyneside District Hospital, maternity services at Sunderland Royal Hospital have been rated as ‘requires improvement.’ Maternity services at South Tyneside District Hospital have remained rated as ‘good’

The inspections were carried out after concerns over safety were raised at the trust.

The inspectors found:

  • One-to-one care was not being consistently provided for people in active labour, and the risks for infection, with control measures, were not being identified by the trust.
  • Serious incidents were not recognised quickly, in order to be able to learn from them.
  • The trust had been shown to have not taken effective action to address issues that had arisen during the last inspection.
  • Medicines were not being stored properly, and sepsis was identified as a risk.

Read the full report

Sarah Dronsfield, CQC deputy director of operations in the north, said:

“During our inspection of South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust in June, we found concerns relating to patient safety in the two services we visited, particularly around the management of risk.

We shared these concerns with the trust’s senior leadership team, the board then provided details of the immediate action that would be taken to address these concerns.”

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Positive Feedback

The CQC report also highlights areas where they observed positive practices.

  • Staff were committed to learning and research
  • IT systems were secure
  • Leaders had necessary knowledge, skills, and ability.

Blackwater Law successfully represented the family of baby Blake in making a midwife negligence claim after the community midwife failed to notice a severe medical abnormality.

New-born baby in hospital

Have you been affected by poor care from South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust?

If you or a loved one has suffered a result of poor care administered by either Sunderland Royal Hospital or South Tyneside District Hospital, you should speak to a birth injury solicitor about your options for possible recourse.

You may be entitled to make a no-win, no-fee birth injury or medical negligence compensation claim to help you secure the funding, or the treatments required to put things right.

Speak to a birth injury solicitor

If you or your baby have suffered as a result of a birth injury, call today and find out if you have a claim.

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