Whittington Health NHS Trust

Whittington Health NHS Trust is a provider of hospital and community care services to those living in Islington and Haringey as well as other London boroughs.

The Whittington Hospital provides a range of medical services including critical care, maternity services and rehabilitation services. In addition to services provided at hospital, the trust provides care through community nursing and children and family services including health visiting and Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services.

Figures for this Trust

  • Number of Patient Safety Incidents & harm caused
    April 2020 to March 2021
    • Death
    • Severe
    • Moderate
    • Low
    • None
    Total 3,947
  • Top 3 categories of Patient Safety Incident
    April 2020 to March 2021
    1. Implementation of care and ongoing monitoring / review
    2. Access, admission, transfer, discharge (including missing patient)
    3. All other categories
  • Percentage of A&E attendances dealt with in 4 hours
    July 2024
    Percentage of A&E attendances dealt with in 4 hours
  • Percentage treated for cancer within 62 days of urgent GP referral
    June 2024
    Percentage treated for cancer within 62 days of urgent GP referral

  • Percentage of total
    beds occupied overnight
    January to March 2024
    Percentage of total beds occupied overnight
  • Summary Hospital-level
    Mortality Indicator
    April 2023 to March 2024
    Summary Hospital-level Mortality Indicator
  • Number of cancelled
    critical operations
    February 2020
    Number of cancelled critical operations
  • Number of cancelled
    elective operations
    April to June 2024
    Number of cancelled elective operations

  • Percentage waiting 6+ weeks
    for diagnostic test
    June 2024
    Percentage waiting 6+ weeks for diagnostic test
  • Number of mixed sex
    accommodation breaches
    June 2024
    Number of mixed sex accommodation breaches

  • Number of Never Events and number by category
    Number of Never Events and
    number by category
    1 April 2021 to 31 August 2021
  • Wrong site surgery - 0
  • Retained foreign object post procedure - 1
  • Wrong implant/prosthesis - 0
  • Misplaced naso- or orogastric tubes - 0
  • Overdose of insulin due to abbreviations or incorrect device - 0
  • Administration of medication by the wrong route - 0
  • Overdose of methotrexate for non cancer treatment - 0
  • Failure to install functional collapsible shower or curtain rails - 0
  • Transfusion or transplantation of ABO incompatible blood components or organs - 0
  • Unintentional connection of a patient requiring O2 to an air flowmeter - 0
  • Misselection of high strength midazolam - 0
  • Misselection of a strong potassium solution - 0
  • Falls from poorly restricted windows - 0
  • Chest or neck entrapment in bed rails - 0
  • Scalding of patients - 0